delete host
语法:delete host host
参数:host 主机的 ID 或昵称。
删除手动创建的主机 MyHost:
# delete host MyHost
Info: Command completed successfully. - Host MyHost was deleted.
尝试删除映射的主机 Host1:
# delete host Host1
Error: The specified host is mapped to one or more volumes so the host was not
deleted. (Host1) - Host Host1 is mapped, so it cannot be deleted.
Error: The specified host is mapped to one or more volumes so the host was not
尝试删除所发现的主机 500605B000320BB4:
# delete host 500605B000320BB4
Error: The command had an invalid value. (257000c0ffd8b6cb) - Host
257000c0ffd8b6cb was discovered, so it cannot be deleted.
Error: The command had an invalid value.
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